Glass vitrine: a tautological pleonasm?

Article from 4/6/2019 , Vitrines
Glass vitrines: vitrines of glass for glasses.
Besides classic furniture such as tables and chairs, furniture for storage and display has always been an important accoutrement. Since Mathis Esterhazy developed his bausprache design, typical workpieces have included cabinets made of glass and metal.
Most recently he has produced a series of glass vitrines based on the tried and tested construction that combines the classic functions of storage and display. These glass vitrines have a frame of stainless steel and transparent glass walls with shelves opening and closing on runners. They can be purchased complete as illustrated together with their display of Indian glasses.
Description and
Material: tubular steel frame, glass, glasses
Size: ca. 130 x 34 x 90 cm
Made and merchandised by INCOMO d.o.o. in Slovenia.