Foxy grapes and the fragrance of lily of the valley

Article from 11 October 2019, grape juice
The estate also owns a small vineyard with direct-producer vines. These “historic sorts” were originally imported from North America.
Knowledge is very vague about the history of the Great wine blight and the Phylloxera / grape aphid catastrophe in the 19th century. Viticulture all over Europe was dramatically affected. The sole means of reviving European viticulture involved importing wild, Phylloxera-resistant vines from America for grafting purposes. Viticulture without grafting has survived in basic agriculture, and is restricted to region.
The grapes known in Prekmurje as jurka correspond to the direct-producer sorts ‘Isabella’ and ‘Clinton’. They are mainly black grapes with the typical ‘foxy’ flavour and white grapes called šmarnica, thus with the fragrance of lily of the valley.
These grapes are best made into syrup or juice, jam or jelly. Our grape harvest has thrived in the meantime; we send large amounts to be pressed and pasteurised in the regional fruit press. So we can offer our guests a perfectly natural grape juice harvested from our own vineyard.