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Article of 5 March 2021, Tea_Herbs
Redesigning the garden in front of the apartments meant rearranging the lawn area, opening the view to the opposite village, and edging the herbal beds with a steel strip from the INCOMO workshop.
We arranged two circular beds around the water well and cistern to grow some herbs for our daily breakfast tea. Various types of herbs including mint, sage, thyme, lemon verbena, and lemon grass can flourish there, creating ever-new seasonal blends according to personal preference. The garden season lasts well into November, when the pineapple sage regains its strength in late autumn and hurls its scarlet torches at the greyish mist. In the winter, the pantry brims with dried supplies until…
April with its sweet-smelling showers
Has pierced the drought of March to the root,
And bathed every vein in such liquid
By which power the flower is created.
Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales*
Oh, and by the way, we’ve got some exciting news in the pipeline about new gardening products from the INCOMO workshop!
*thanks for this extensive input to Miha Tavčar from scriptophil, who translates our ideas intelligibly to all aficionados.